Author: admin

  • Bihar girl allegedly raped by 18 people including school principal and teachers

    Bihar girl allegedly raped by 18 people including school principal and teachers

    A class 9 student of a private school in Bihar’s Saran district alleged on Friday she was raped by 18 persons including her schoolmates, two teachers and the principal over the last eight months. She said she did not report the abuse fearing society would ostracize her. The girl approached police superintendent Har Kishore Rai…

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  • ग्‍यारह करोड़ में भाजपा ने खरीदे थे हमारे छह विधायक : बाबूलाल मरांडी

    ग्‍यारह करोड़ में भाजपा ने खरीदे थे हमारे छह विधायक : बाबूलाल मरांडी

    रांची: झाविमो (झारखंड विकास मोर्चा) के छह विधायकों द्वारा दलबदल कर भाजपा में शामिल होने का मामला अब तीन साल बाद एक बार फिर से गर्म हो गया है। उन छह विघायकों के दलबदल के पीछे खरीद फरोख्त किये जाने का दावा करते हुए  झाविमो (झारखंड विकास मोर्चा) ने शुक्रवार को रांची में प्रेस और मीडिया…

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  • Missionaries of Charity accused of selling new born babies

    Missionaries of Charity accused of selling new born babies

    Ranchi: An employee of Nirmal Hriday, a branch of Missionaries of Charity situated at Jail Road, was arrested and two sisters detained after being alleged of selling new born children on Wednesday. An FIR was lodged at the Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Kotwali police station of Ranchi on Tuesday on the direction of child…

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  • ..इन हत्‍याओं के पीछे व्‍हाट्स-ऐप!

    ..इन हत्‍याओं के पीछे व्‍हाट्स-ऐप!

    नई दिल्ली: व्हाट्सएप आज बड़े काम का हो गया है, लेकिन हाल के दिनों में देश के अलग-अलग हिस्सों में हुई कुछ घटनाओं से इसके साइड इफेक्ट भी सामने आए हैं। व्हाट्सएप पर फैली अफवाहों के बाद लोगों को निशाना बनाने के मामले तेजी से बढ़े हैं। बीती एक जुलाई को महाराष्ट्र में बच्चाचोरी के शक…

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  • सरकार को नहीं पता, कितनी साफ हुई गंगा!

    सरकार को नहीं पता, कितनी साफ हुई गंगा!

    नई दिल्ली: प्रधानमंत्री बनने से पहले गंगा की सफाई को लेकर भाजपा के स्टार प्रचारक नरेंद्र मोदी के बड़े बोल सुनने को मिले थे। गुजरात से उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी आए मोदी ने सांसद प्रत्याशी के रूप में गंगा को नमन करते हुए कहा था, “न मैं यहां खुद आया हूं, न किसी ने मुझे लाया…

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  • 48 killed in Uttarakhand bus accident

    48 killed in Uttarakhand bus accident

    Forty-eight passengers were killed after their bus fell into a gorge in Uttarakhand’s Paudi Garhwal district this morning. While 45 of them died on the spot, the critically injured were rushed to the hospital. The accident happened on the Pipali-Bhoan motorway in Pauri Garhwal’s Nainidanda block. The police and a team from the National Disaster…

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  • Bodies of 11 of family found from a house in Delhi

    Bodies of 11 of family found from a house in Delhi

    Bodies of 11 persons of the same family were found from a residence in Burari area of Delhi on Sunday morning. Ten bodies were found hanging from the iron mesh ceiling in a room while the body of 77-year-old woman was found on the floor from a different room of the house, the police informed.…

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  • Kolebira MLA Enos Ekka convicted for murder of para teacher

    Kolebira MLA Enos Ekka convicted for murder of para teacher

    Simdega: Former rural development minister and sitting MLA from Jharkhand Party in Kolebira assembly seat Enos Ekka was convicted for the murder of para teacher Manoj Kumar by the court of additional district judge Neeraj Shrivastav on Saturday. The quantum of punishment will be delivered by the court on July 3. Ekka has been convicted…

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  • 15-yr-old Gumla girl rescued in Ranchi, trafficker nabbed

    15-yr-old Gumla girl rescued in Ranchi, trafficker nabbed

    Ranchi: A 15 year old girl from Sisai block of Gumla was rescued from the clutches of a placement agent by Nagri police, Jharkhand State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (JSCPCR) and social organization Shakti Vahini on Friday. The girl was raped and brutally beaten up by the placement agent Ranjit following which she…

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  • No impact assessments of National Advisories!

    No impact assessments of National Advisories!

    Union Government has been issuing National Advisories through the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to the States and Union Territories from time to time that are broadly designed to help strengthen institutional mechanism across the country to protect human rights of the people in order to end any type of coercive violation of their sacred…

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